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Pancake Day Fun

Pancake Day marks the start of Lent. A time, traditionally, to use up the foods that will be given up for the 40 days before Easter. Also known as Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day is celebrated by Christians all around the world.

What I have learnt about Pancake Day - Kids LOVE it!!

If you are lucky enough to be able to celebrate Pancake Day in school, the kids have a blast! It's a total change from the normal run of the mill days, PLUS, they can learn all about WHY we celebrate this day.

Begin the day with a Power Point, teaching the children why we celebrate this day and how to

make pancakes.

If making pancakes is not an option, buy some small scotch pancakes from the supermarket. These will do just fine!

Now comes the REALLY fun part - tasting the different toppings! (be sure to check for allergies). Tried and tested toppings I have used in the past include the traditional sugar and lemon, jam, honey, chocolate spread and a choice of fruit such as bananas or berries.

Sit with the children in small groups around the table and allow them to gather and spread the toppings on their own. A great way to develop their independence skills and listen - you will hear some great chat going on!

If you made pancakes, children can now record how they made them . Why not make a recipe book or a simpler way is to make a foldable booklet.

Young children will love making this simple booklet, sequencing how to make pancakes.

If you didn't get to make your own pancakes, children can instead design their own pancake toppings. Use the FREE word cards to help them list their toppings.

Laminate the recipe cards and word cards and use them in the role play area or even better - on the playdough table. There's nothing more fun than making dough pancakes and toppings. Don't forget to add a small frying pan and flipper!

Time for some maths now - Use some post it notes to make a class block graph of favourite toppings.

Or complete some pancake themed maths activities.

Use your FREE pancake word cards to finish off with some reading and writing activities.

These, and many more, activities are included in this Pancake Day product, available on this site.

And don't forget to grab your FREE word cards here.

Happy Pancake Day everyone!

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