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The River Nile power point and printable activities for children aged 7 - 11 years. Are you learning about Ancient Egypt? Then this could be what you are looking for. Children will learn how important the River Nile was to the survival of Ancient Egyptians. Students can then use what they have learnt by making an information leaflet all about the importance of the River Nile. Finish off by making a salt dough model of the River Nile in a pizza box. Children LOVE this activity whilst learning at the same time.

Great to use as part of your topic on Ancient Egypt.


Included in this product:

  • 13 slide power point on the importance of the River Nile to Ancient Egypt
  • Make an information leaflet
  • Information sheets on The River Nile for children to read and questions for them to answer.
  • Instructions on how to make a salt dough 3D map of The River Nile in a pizza box.
  • Information sheet for the inside of the map box.


Make learning about the River Nile a fun and engaging time with these activities.

Ancient Egypt The Nile

  • PDF

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