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Independent reading activities. Over 120 pages of guided reading activities to save you time and stress! Suitable for children aged 5-6 years old. Year 1 UK. These reading activities are designed for children to be able to complete independently, as part of a guided reading carousel or even as homework.

I have put together over 120 pages of activities that children can do independently whilst still improving their reading skills and their understanding of books and stories.

There is a variety of activities starting with very simple phonics activities for lower abilities. The activities get more advanced for use throughout the school year.

Some of the activities are also linked to the year 1 curriculum eg the lifecycle of a sunflower, seasons and keeping healthy.

All aspects of the year 1 reading National Curriculum covered.Also perfect for lower ability children in year 2 and up.


**Included in this product:**

reading journal book cover

year 1 national curriculum statements for assessment

guided reading timetable

initial sounds cut and stick

b or d cut and stick

m or n cut and stick

c or k cut and stick

missing letters

draw the word x 3

2 syllable words

draw the caption x 3

mixed up sentences x 6

draw the book cover x 2

draw the characters x 2

draw your favourite part x 2

draw the ending x 2

write the tricky words x 2

find the digraph x 2

write the noun x 2

design a new front cover

find the nouns/weather words/plant words

reading questions

all about the book

book review x 2

read and colour x 3

read and draw x 3

describe the setting x 2

draw and describe the character x 2

draw the character x 4

draw the setting x 4

where is cat?

inference questions x 4

sunflower life cycle

make a foldable book

label a snail

make a wanted poster

decode words x 4

word endings x 2

missing words

syllables x 2

sequence story x 2


what happens next?

35 reading comprehensions

Guided Reading Activities Year 1 UK

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